30 January 2007

Hungry? have a healthy snack

Hello bloggers,

Most of us think that a diet means NO snacks, but, you still can eat your favorite chocolate without the guilt. I usually eat fat free jelly or fat free pudding. This way I can keep my stomach full until dinner time.

When choosing a snack please keep in mind these tips:

Fruit and vegetables are the most effective way of combating the 'munchies' and are also good for your digestion. Fruit and vegetables are low in calories so you can eat different snacks every day and never get bored. 'Little and often' works. Snacking will give you the energy you need during the day and help satisfy your hunger. Snacks can be a source of health-promoting nutrients, such as fiber... so choose wisely! Snacking won't spoil your appetite if you plan a combination of nutritious snacks and healthy meals. Combining snacks with smaller meals can increase your metabolic rate by up to 40%. *

* these information was gathered from unileverusa.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info! Very informative, please keep up the posts!

I normally eat a few cannoli's per week, but now you have given some great alternatives..Thanks :)